Decades of experience.

All of us got our start in consulting as individuals. We founded Smart Teams after realizing how much greater an impact we can have through our combined experience, and by utilizing all the tools we've found to be most effective.

We believe our team consulting method is one of the "smartest" available and are excited to show you why.

Dr. Andrew Reifers Ph. D

Founder | Coach

  • About

    Andrew has a BS in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Information Sciences and Technology. He began consulting in the Cyber Security sector a decade ago and currently serves as the head of the Cyber Security department at the University of Washington. His unique gift for analytics brings value to every team. 

Ryan Whitton

Founder | Coach

  • About

    Ryan began his career in Marketing and Content Creation and has directly managed over 300+ employees in the last 6 years. After scaling his Digital Marketing Agency from $3k to upwards of $80k a month in his first year, he began consulting clients 1:1 to show them how to achieve the same success. He is the spark plug on our team and inspires everyone around him to accomplish their goals. 

Mike Flathers

Founder | Coach

  • About

    Mike is a licensed pastor with a passion for teaching and a heart to see teams and individuals reach their fullest potential. He began consulting with non-profits in 2013 and his innate creativity is his greatest strength. Mike has developed hundreds of leaders in his career, many of which went on to start highly successful businesses or became executive level leaders as a result of his mentorship.

Laura Schonbrun

Solutions Specialist

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    Laura has BA in Design from WWU but has a crazy career origin story. She started working at the Amazon warehouse... and after a few months, she had a corporate leadership role in robotics. She has seen it all and uses her experience to guide her in creating smart solutions for every team she works with. 

Paul Diaz

Advisor | Executive Sales

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    Paul began his career in sales at Zillow where month after month he managed to stay at the top. He leveraged his success to train others and is now serving as VP for Real Geeks, a tech company out of Dallas, TX. 

Terry Flathers

Advisor | Executive Finance

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    Terry has been a Seattle based CPA for nearly four decades and has been at the executive level of finance for most of that time. He has expertise in tax law, mergers & acquisitions and a keen eye for efficiency. 

Doug Milnor

Advisor | Marketing Guru

  • About

    Doug has served in C-level and VP roles for decades with a specialty in sales & marketing. He has rich knowledge in SEO, CRMs and a deep passion for teaching the next generation.

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